Modifications Committee

Chair: Cynthia Hutton

The Modifications Committee reviews all requests for changes to existing homes. It ensures that any changes are in keeping with the Declaration and the Guidelines. It has the exclusive jurisdiction over modifications, additions or alterations made on or to existing Units or structures containing Units and the open space. As such, the Modifications Committee approves or denies requests based on completeness and compliance with the established standards. In general, no modification can be made to any existing unit or in its open space unless the owner first submits a modification application and receives approval to proceed.

Outlined below is the Modification Application Process for all Westchase residents. In the event that the Modifications Committee fails to approve or disapprove an application or to request additional information within forty-five (45) days after submission, the application shall be deemed approved (Article XI, Section 2 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions).

Modification Application Process

A modification application must be completed by the homeowner, accompanied by a copy of the lot survey and a copy of the contractor’s proposal or plans or any other documentation. Any alterations or additions to the exterior of your home or its grounds should be clearly indicated on the survey. If you are painting your home, whether the same color or a different color, paint chips must be included (in this case a lot survey is not necessary). The modification application may be requested from the Community Association Manager via fax or e-mail; it may also be downloaded here:

Modification Application 12-12-2024

All completed modification applications must be submitted to the Community Association Manager’s office by the designated deadline which is the Friday prior to the scheduled Modification meeting. The Modifications Committee meets every other Tuesday excluding holidays.

All modification requests will be forwarded to the Modifications Committee, which consists of five (5) persons, all of whom shall be appointed by and shall serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Members may include architects or similar professionals who are not Members of the Association (Article XI, Section 2 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions). The Modifications Committee will meet on the scheduled date following each deadline to process and then return all completed applications to the Community Association Manager.

The Modification Committee Chairperson can, with the consent of the Committee, identify how “routine” modifications can be approved.

Modification requests regarding features, amenities or other changes that are not expressly permitted by the WCA Declaration or the Westchase Residential Guidelines will be denied by the Modification Committee. This type of modification request may be sent to the Voting Members Group with the Committee recommendation as to whether or not a new Guideline should be prepared.

Arlington Park Condominiums, Classic Townhomes, The Enclave, Reserve at West Park Village, Townhomes of Saville Rowe, Stonebridge Villas, Townhomes of West Park Village, The Vineyards, Villas of West Park Village and Villas of Woodbridge have their own Architectural Control Committees (ACC). This delegation of authority may be revoked by the Modification Committee and jurisdiction reassumed at any time by written notice. All residents belonging to the sub associations listed must first submit a modification application to their ACC. Then the modification application is forwarded to the Modifications Committee for their final review.

Immediately following each meeting the Community Association Manager will notify the homeowner of the Modification Committee’s decision and will retain a copy of the completed modification application in each homeowner’s file.

If the modification application is denied, the homeowner may appeal the decision of the Modifications Committee by resubmitting the request. The Committee’s decision regarding an Owner’s appeal shall be final.

Futhermore, the homeowner may apply for a variance for unique circumstances such as topography, natural obstructions, hardship or aesthetic or environmental considerations. To do so the Owner may submit a Variance Application and must follow the process established in the WCA Governing Documents.

Variance Forms

For any questions regarding Guidelines for modification requests, please refer to your Single Family Residential Guidelines. If you do not have a copy of the Guidelines, they can be downloaded from the website located under ‘Residential Info’ – ‘Docs & Forms’ – Governing Documents.

As always, please contact the Association Manager with any questions or concerns.

bell tower and fountain
Modifications Committee Members
Cynthia Hutton, Chairckayeh1950@live.com813-926-3532Feb. 2027
Dan Jun. 2026
Michael Thomasmsthomas40@gmail.com310-600-9931June. 2026
Patriva Macktriva8000@yahoo.com813-854-2785 Feb. 2027
Steven Splaine splaine@ieee.org813-926-5558 Jun. 2026
Honey Weidman Jun. 2026
Rick Goldstein rick.westchase@gmail.com813-920-6470 Feb. 2027