Document Review Committee

The role of the Document Review Committee is to:

  • Gather any requested changes to the Guidelines and Individual Neighborhood Specific Guidelines (“INSG”), as maintained by the Property Manager
  • Solicit and review input and recommendations or requests for changes to the Guidelines and INSGs from the Community, including, but not limited to, the Voting Member body, the Modification Committee, the Variance Committee, the Board of Directors for any Neighborhood Association and any other Committee previously established by the Board, that may have input into changes to the Guidelines and INSG.
  • Review all Guidelines and INSGs to identify and recommend changes to any areas where those documents may be contradictory, duplicative or inconsistent.
  • Recommend any changes or edits to the Guidelines to promote consistency between the Guidelines, and the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations. Note that while the Document Review Committee may recommend changes to the INSGs, changes to any INSG must be proposed and approved in accordance with Article XII, Section 35 of the Declaration .
  • Recommend any changes to Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, or Bylaws that may be necessary to facilitate consistency.
  • Recommend any changes or edits to the Guidelines that may promote or accommodate modern or energy efficient materials.
  • Recommend any changes or edits to the Guidelines that may accommodate or permit hurricane protection specifications that comply with applicable building codes for structures and other improvements on parcels governed by the Association. The specifications may include the color and style of hurricane protection products and any other factor deemed relevant by the Document Review Committee. The term “hurricane protection” includes, but is not limited to, roof systems recognized by the Florida Building Code which meet ASCE 7-22 standards, permanent fixed storm shutters, roll-down track storm shutters, impact-resistant windows and doors, polycarbonate panels, reinforced garage doors, erosion controls, exterior fixed generators, fuel storage tanks, and other hurricane protection products used to preserve and protect the structures or improvements on a parcel governed by the association.
  • Present to the Board and Voting Member body any suggested changes to the Governing Documents.
  • Work with the Association legal counsel to finalize any suggested changes, edits, additions or deletions to the Governing Documents.
  • Present the Committee’s recommendations, after revisions by counsel, to the Voting Members for a vote, as required by the Association Declaration and Bylaws.

Resolution Creating Document Review Committee

Eric Holt (chair) 813-727-2019
Mary Griffin 813-926-3119
Cal Hargreaves 813 966-8206
Jack Maurer 813-417-4880
Bob Rohrlack  813-610-6442