
Radcliffe is one of Westchase’s 29 neighborhoods located North of Linebaugh Avenue and just behind the large community pond and recently upgraded Radcliffe Bridge. This neighborhood is unique in that tall Washingtonian palms flank the streets in this neighborhood of single family homes. The entry to Radcliffe winds into the community which allows most of the homes to be set quite a distance from Linebaugh Avenue. The streets in Radcliffe include Radcliffe Drive, Wandsworth Drive, Keating Drive and Middlebury Drive. Below you will find the current Voting and Alternate Voting Members for this Neighborhood including their contact information:

Voting MemberEric Holt813-727-2019radcliffevm@gmail.com
Alt VMKeith Heinemann813-610-4364keith@tampabay.rr.com
Alt VMJames Wimsatt202-550-9244jimwimsatt@gmail.com
Voting Members are elected biennially by the Neighborhood Residents at the Neighborhood Meeting which is typically held in December/February of every other year. If you are interested in getting involved as a Voting or Alternate Voting Member, please contact the Westchase Community Association and ask to be included in the next election. Westchase is always looking for more dedicated, civic-minded volunteers!
Map of Radcliffe Westchase