The Greens

The Greens is a gated neighborhood located South of Linebaugh Avenue in the heart of Westchase. Enter through the gates at Linebaugh Avenue and Gretna Green Boulevard at the 24 hour manned guard gate. There are 7 villages behind the Green’s gate and 6 of those villages are in The Greens. Those villages include: Greensprings, Greencrest, Greenhedges, Greenmont, Greendale and Greenpointe. The Village Green at the front of The Greens is actually part of West Park Village. The Westchase Golf Course runs in and throughout much of The Greens and the neighborhood features sidewalks perfect for walking, biking or rollerblading behind the gates. Greens residents can walk through the Village Green and over the canal bridge to easily access the West Park Village Swim & Tennis Center, the Westchase Community Association Management Office, Baybridge Park or the Westchase Town Centers. The streets in this neighborhood include: Greensprings Drive, Gretna Green Drive, Greenhedges Drive, Acelia Way, Greencrest Drive, Greenmont Drive, Greendale Drive, Greenpoint Drive, Edgefield Place and Applecross Lane. Below you will find the current Voting and Alternate Voting Members for this Neighborhood including their contact information:

Voting MemberSteven
Alt VM Alt VM
Voting Members are elected biennially by the Neighborhood Residents at the Neighborhood Meeting which is typically held in December/February of every other year. If you are interested in getting involved as a Voting or Alternate Voting Member, please contact the Westchase Community Association and ask to be included in the next election. Westchase is always looking for more dedicated, civic-minded volunteers!
Map of The Greens Westchase
Please report any problems with the gates to Doug Mays at the CDD (813-920-4268).