Facility Rules
The following links are the Rules and Regulations governing the pool and tennis facilities.
Facilities Rules & Regulations (Approved by the Board of Directors Dec 2022)
If you wish to reserve the activity room at the Countryway pool facility for a social event, you will need to complete and submit the reservation form to the Countryway pool office.(go to the S&T Facilities tab and scroll across to Activity Room Rental to download the reservation form) You will be required to make payment via credit card at time of reservation in order to secure the date and time. The activity room is not available to rent for any business activities.
Inclement Weather Policy
The WCA staff may close the facilities under the following conditions:
- An electrical storm
- Severe weather conditions
- Mechanical difficulties and maintenance
Opening and closing of the Swim & Tennis facilities are subject to prevailing weather conditions, electrical storms, strong winds, and heavy rains. If lightning and/or thunder is detected in the area, the pool deck or tennis courts will be cleared and closed for 30 minutes. Each additional thunder will start the clock again for 30 minutes to not reopen until an all-clear is issued by staff.
In the event of outside contamination, the pool and pool deck will be evacuated and the facility closed for proper procedures for sanitizing the pool according to the Florida Department of Public Health.
The facilities will be closed anytime there are unsafe conditions or anytime a situation arises that would jeopardize the public health or safety of the people in attendance. The Westchase Community Association staff reserves the right to close the Swim and Tennis facilities due to poor weather conditions or maintenance issues.