Proposed Amendments to Governing Documents
The following neighborhoods are proposing amendments to their Individual Neighborhood Section Guidelines (INSGs). A vote of the Westchase Voting Members will take place on January 14, 2025 to either approve or reject the amendments. For Glencliff and Stamford, a ballot will be mailed to the owners in those neighborhoods for them to cast their unit vote. The ballot must be returned to the Associations management office located at 10049 Parley Drive. For Berkeley Square, Stonebridge Villas, and the Villas of West Park Village, the Board of Directors for those sub-associations have previously approved their INSG. However, the Voting Members are required to give the final approval of the proposed INSG amendments in January 2025.
Berkeley Square INSG Amendment
Glencliff Villas INSG Amendment
Stonebridge Villas INSG Amendment