News & Events

WPV Pool Opening – Revised Pool Facility Hours of Operation

The Westchase Board of Directors are pleased to announce the partial re-opening of the West Park Village pool effective March 17th. Unfortunately we are currently waiting for the delivery and installation of the new pool slide. While there is still some work to be done at the pool facility, the Board and staff wanted to make the facilities available the week of Spring Break. In order to make this happen, the hours of operation at the Countryway pool needed to be temporarily changed. Effective March 17th, the Countryway pool will be open 9am-8pm Mon-Fri for swim, 10am-8pm Sat & Sun, while the West Park Village pool will be open 10am-7pm for swim. We apologize for the inconvenience for those that like to use the pool for early morning swim, however, please know this is only a temporary situation until we are at full lifeguard staffing. We’d like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during the pool closure.

Document Review Committee Notice to Owners

Our association has recently revived the Westchase Documents Review Committee (DRC), whose purpose is to consider appropriate changes to our Residential Guidelines.  The Residential Guidelines primarily focus on the type, style, and design of materials that we may use or install on our property (aka “Unit”).  Required levels of maintenance are also a major element of our Guidelines.  Some of the most common examples of residential guidelines include the palette of colors that we may use to paint our homes, the type of materials that we may use for our roofs, driveways, landscaping and fencing, the manner in which we must screen certain equipment from public view, and even the type of flags we may fly at our homes.  All homeowner proposals will be reviewed for consideration.

Share your opinion!  If you would like to propose any changes to our Residential Guidelines, please send them to no later than Friday, May 30th.  Please also include a brief explanation or rationale for your suggestions.  A copy of the current Residential Guidelines may be found HERE.

WOW Events 2025

Food Truck Rallys: Feb 7, Apr 4, Oct 3, Dec 5       Time: 5:30pm-8pm @ WPV Greenspace
Summer Camp Expo:  Feb 19    Time: 5pm-7pm @ Westchase Recreation Center
Spring Egg Hunt:  Apr 13      Time: 1pm-4pm @ Westchase Recreation Center
Great West Chase:  Oct 25   Time: 6am-11am @ WPV Greenspace
Thanksgiving Food Drive:  Nov 23     Time: 1pm-3pm @ Westchase Elemntary School


Come One, Come All……Enjoy !!!!


November 8th: Haunted Mansion (2023)

December 13th:  Wish

January 10, 2025: Kung Fu Panda 4

February 21st:  Inside Out 2

March 14th:  Barbie

All Movies will be shown at the Montague Street Park near the bell tower/splash pad – they will be starting around 7pm!!!